If you have been interviewing and are entertaining the possibility that you will land a job offer soon, it is not always wise to accept the first offer you receive. This is despite the fact that the latter may be tempting, especially if you are a fresh graduate. At first, even if the position or package offered is something you can’t fathom to refuse, you certainly don’t want to be working somewhere toxic or somewhere growth opportunities are limited. You will mostly depend on the few people you are likely to interact with during the interview process to determine the suitability of the work environment. If you are a promising candidate and the management sees potential in you, there are chances that they will make an effort to keep negative points about the company from you. That said, there are subtle signs that can serve as red flags and help you make a more informed decision. Here are some of them:
Clarity Regarding Job Role
There are chances that your employer may not be able to clearly define your role within the company or elaborate on the expected responsibilities. Startups in particular have a bad reputation when it comes to defining a solid role before hiring. This is because by making their intentions less clear and keeping the role open-ended, allowing themselves the flexibility to offload work and additional demands on you as they please. In other words, you end up doing pretty much what they tell you, whether or not it directly relates to the stated/official designation.
High Turnover
It’s always important to find out about the history of the role you are being interviewed for. For instance, is a new position? If not and it is an existing one, why did the previous incumbent leave? You can also check if the job has been repeatedly posted in a short period of time. It is good to be aware of the turnover of the position you are applying for, as a high turnover rate would serve as a red flag. It could be suggestive of a toxic work environment, unreasonable demands of the role, or a high propensity to result in burnout.
Unprofessional Demeanor
An interviewer’s job is to vet applicants in order to find out more about if they would be able to fulfill a particular role or not. They do this by asking questions and making pointed conversation. That said, personal questions that do not relate to work, sleazing behavior, and a demeanor that suggests anything negative may all be taken as red flags. The unprofessionalism in the interview is simply indicative of deeper work practices. See how professional those you interact with earlier are in order to get a sense of the larger company ethic. Micro interactions tend to reflect macro ones.
Company Reputation
Checking the latest news on a company as well as their financial statements, could reveal a lot about them. You can find out about their financial help and commitment to ethical practices. Moreover, you can even reach out to people who work there, through platforms like LinkedIn and learn about the work environment. Company reviews on sites such as Glassdoor can also prove helpful. Do your homework before making a choice!
Gut Feeling
If you don’t feel comfortable with the position, regardless of any obvious signs, there are chances that it might not be a good fit. One thing to rely on in such circumstances is your intuition. You should always remember that you are more than just a job, a position, or any type of material accolades; so don’t let yourself succumb to the pressures of accepting a job that you are not feeling. If you don’t feel excited or can’t picture yourself in that job role, don’t be hasty – wait it out and look into other options.
While finding the ideal job is not easy, you can take certain steps to get closer to this goal. Don’t stress, just go with the flow and enjoy the process. Knowing what red flags to be aware of and lookout for will help ensure that the job you finally agree to is one that works for you!